Data Bulk

Getting Started

The VersaTul Data Bulk project provides the ability to setup bulk coping functionality for copying data to and from different data sources. This project is designed to provide a set of common interfaces as well as implementation that can be used to build database or data source specific copiers.


To use VersaTul Data Bulk, first install it using nuget:

PM> NuGet\Install-Package VersaTul.Data.Bulk -Version latest

Main Components

  1. IBulkCopy : Represents functionality for bulk uploading data from one data source to another.

  2. IBulkCopyColumnMapping : Defines the mapping between a column in a Bulk Copy data source and a column in the destination source.

  3. CopyDetail : Represents the details of the Bulk Copy, how to get the data and where to put it.

  4. BulkCopyColumnMapping : Implementation of the IBulkCopyColumnMapping interface.

Functional Summary

  1. void IBulkCopy.DoCopy() : Overloaded method for bulk inserting a given collection of CopyDetail objects.

  2. bool IBulkCopy.IsAllUploaded : Get a value indicating if all files are inserted successfully.

  3. int IBulkCopy.BatchSize : Gets or Sets the number of rows in each batch.

  4. bool IBulkCopy.EnableStreaming : Gets or Sets a value enabling or disabling streaming data from an IDataReader object.

  5. string SourceColumn : Gets or Sets the string value of the SourceColumn property.

  6. string DestinationColumn : Gets or Sets the string value of the DestinationColumn property.

  7. int SourceOrdinal : Gets or Sets the integer value of the SourceOrdinal property, or -1 if the property has not been set.

  8. int DestinationOrdinal : Gets or Sets the integer value of the DestinationOrdinal property, or -1 if the property has not been set.

Code Examples

Simple Example using Flat file.
// Bulk Copy people.csv file to database table Persons
var copyDetail = new CopyDetail(destinationName: "Persons", sourceFilePath: @"path\to\csv\people.csv", new[]
    // This example showcases using the Source Type to Destination Type support in mapping BulkCopyColumnMapping<Person, Person>
    // however this could also be achieved by simply typing the string column names or the numerical column position.
    new BulkCopyColumnMapping<Person, Person>(model => model.AccountBalance, model => model.AccountBalance),
    new BulkCopyColumnMapping<Person, Person>(model => model.Age, model => model.Age),
    new BulkCopyColumnMapping<Person, Person>(model => model.BestFriend, model => model.BestFriend),
    new BulkCopyColumnMapping<Person, Person>(model => model.Friends, model => model.Friends),
    new BulkCopyColumnMapping<Person, Person>(model => model.Name, model => model.Name)

// pulling BulkCopy object from container.
var copy = appContainer.Resolve<BulkCopy>();

// Optionally set properties
copy.BatchSize = 200;
copy.EnableStreaming = true;

// perform bulk uploading..
copy.DoCopy(new[] { copyDetail });
Simple Example using IDataReader.
// See VersaTul.Collection.Streamers for more detail about ToReader() extension method used here.
var people = someInternalArray.ToReader();

// Bulk Copy IDataReader people to database table Persons
var copyDetail = new CopyDetail(destinationName: "Persons", sourceData: people, new[]
    // This example showcases using the Source Type to Destination Type support in mapping BulkCopyColumnMapping<Person, Person>
    // however this could also be achieved by simply typing the string column names or the numerical column position.
    new BulkCopyColumnMapping<Person, Person>(model => model.AccountBalance, model => model.AccountBalance),
    new BulkCopyColumnMapping<Person, Person>(model => model.Age, model => model.Age),
    new BulkCopyColumnMapping<Person, Person>(model => model.BestFriend, model => model.BestFriend),
    new BulkCopyColumnMapping<Person, Person>(model => model.Friends, model => model.Friends),
    new BulkCopyColumnMapping<Person, Person>(model => model.Name, model => model.Name)

// pulling BulkCopy object from container.
var copy = appContainer.Resolve<BulkCopy>();

// Optionally set properties
copy.BatchSize = 200;
copy.EnableStreaming = true;

// perform bulk uploading..
copy.DoCopy(new[] { copyDetail });



  • Minor fixes

  • xml comments


  • Bulk support added