
Getting Started

The VersaTul Mailer project provides the functionality to send emails messages. This project uses the SMTP protocol to transmit e-mail to a mail receiver.


To use VersaTul Mailer, first install it using nuget:

PM> NuGet\Install-Package VersaTul.Mailer -Version latest

Main Components

  1. IMailConfiguration : Represents a configuration file that is applicable to the mailing application.

  2. IMailDispatcher : Represents the functionality to send emails messages.

  3. ISmtpClient : Represents an implementation that can be used to send SMTP messages.

  4. MailConfiguration : Default implementation of the IMailConfiguration interface.

  5. MailDispatcher : Default implementation of the IMailDispatcher interface.

  6. SmtpClientWrapper : Default implementation of the ISmtpClient interface.

Functional Summary

  1. bool IMailDispatcher.SendMail() : Overloaded method for sending SMTP e-mails to receiver as Raw text or HTML with or without attachments.

  2. void ISmtpClient.Send(MailMessage mailMessage) : Sends the specified message to an SMTP server for delivery.

  3. See Configuration Defaults for more configuration settings.

Code Examples

Setting up Mailer Example
using VersaTul.Configurations;
using VersaTul.Mailer;
using VersaTul.Mailer.Configurations;
using VersaTul.Mailer.SmtpClients;

namespace VersaTulMailer
    public class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Setup mailer configuration without the use of default builder
            var configSettings = new ConfigSettings()
                { "FromAddress", "" },
                { "ToAddress", "" },
                { "SmtpServer", "" },
                { "SmtpPort", 25 },
                { "SmtpUserName", "" },
                { "SmtpPassword", "Some super secret password" },
                { "MaxAttachmentSize", 10000000 }

            // Setup needed class instances
            var configuration = new MailConfiguration(configSettings);
            var smtpClient = new SmtpClientWrapper(configuration);
            var mailDispatcher = new MailDispatcher(smtpClient);

            // Send email here..
            mailDispatcher.SendMail(configuration.FromAddress, configuration.ToAddress, "your subject line", "your mail body here");
