Data Sql

Getting Started

The VersaTul Data Sql project provides the ability to quickly create database access objects, usable on any supporting SQL databases. This project is built on top of the System.Data.Common namespace and provides the functionality to quickly call stored procedures or plain text sql queries, then map the result into data objects using the provided helper methods.


To use VersaTul Data Sql, first install it using nuget:

PM> NuGet\Install-Package VersaTul.Data.Sql -Version latest

Main Components

  1. IDataSource : Represents a composite of the Data role interfaces that provides read and write capabilities.

  2. IProviderFactory : Represents a set of methods for creating instances of a provider’s implementation of the data source classes.

  3. IDataConfiguration : Represents a set of methods or properties for getting configuration values from setting store.

  4. IParameter : Represents the set of properties and methods that describes a parameter passed into the Sql Command.

  5. IParameterCollection : Represents a collection of IParameter objects.

  6. IConnectionInfo : Represents a connection string details.

  7. SqlDbDataSource : Represent a default implementation of the IDataSource interface.

  8. BaseDataService : Provides a starting point for custom data services used in projects. Provides all the basic or general database functionality.

  9. ConnectionInfo : Represents a connection string info.

  10. Parameter : Represents a parameter to a Command and optionally its mapping to DataSet columns.

  11. ProviderFactory : Represents a set of methods for creating instances of a provider’s implementation of the data source classes.

  12. DataConfiguration : Provides a set of methods or properties for getting configuration values from setting store.

Functional Summary

  1. DbDataReader BaseDataService.ExecuteReader() : Overloaded method for reading a forward-only stream of rows from the data source.

  2. int BaseDataService.ExecuteNonQuery() : Overloaded method for executing a given stored procedure and returns the affected number of rows count.

  3. void BaseDataService.ProcessReader(DbDataReader reader, ProccessReaderHandler handler) : Helper method to iterate the given data reader and provide access to the data at each row via the helper methods. For example GetInt(),GetString(), or Get<TInput, TResult>().

  4. void ParameterCollection.Add(IParameter parameter) : Adds the given IParameter object to the end of the parameter collection List.

Code Examples

Simple Example Using Oracle as Database.
using System.Data;
using VersaTul.Configuration.Defaults.Sql;
using VersaTul.Data.Sql;
using VersaTul.Data.Sql.Configurations;
using VersaTul.Data.Sql.Contracts;
using VersaTul.Extensions;
using VersaTul.Utilities;
using VersaTul.Utilities.Contracts;

namespace SqlDatabaseConnection
    public class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Supported database engines.
            //MSSQL ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory
            //SQLite ---> System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteFactory
            //MySql ---> MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlClientFactory
            //PostgreSql ---> Npgsql.NpgsqlFactory
            //Oracle ---> Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleClientFactory

            //Register factory
            DbProviderFactories.RegisterFactory("Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleClientFactory", OracleClientFactory.Instance);

            // Setup configuration for Oracle Database querying
            var configSettings = new Builder().AddOrReplace(new[]
                //Tested with nuget package Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Core Version 3.21.90
                new KeyValuePair<string, object>("OracleSqlDb", new ConnectionInfo("User Id=SYS;Password=Secretdatabasepassword;Data;DBA Privilege=SYSDBA;", "Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleClientFactory")),
                new KeyValuePair<string, object>("SqlDbConnectionName", "OracleSqlDb")


            var dataConfiguration = new DataConfiguration(configSettings);

            // Setup needed class instance
            var providerFactory = new ProviderFactory();
            var commandFactory = new CommandFactory(dataConfiguration, providerFactory);
            var sqlDbDataSource = new SqlDbDataSource(commandFactory);
            var commonUtility = new CommonUtility();

            // Create our DAL or DataService class
            var dataService = new ProductDataService(sqlDbDataSource, commonUtility, commonUtility);

            // Get all products
            var products = dataService.Get();

            // get a known product
            var product = dataService.Get(100);

            // Add a new product
            var newProduct = dataService.Add(new Product
                CategoryId = 1,
                Description = "Some product description",
                ListPrice = 100.99m,
                Name = "A cool Product Name",
                StandardCost = 50.99m


    // Data Model
    public class Product
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string? Name { get; set; }
        public string? Description { get; set; }
        public decimal StandardCost { get; set; }
        public decimal ListPrice { get; set; }
        public int CategoryId { get; set; }

    // DAL Or Data Service layer
    public interface IProductService
        Product Add(Product product);
        Product? Get(int productId);
        IEnumerable<Product> Get();

    // By inheriting from BaseDataService all project specific data service will have the common functionality they need to access the dataSource.
    public class ProductDataService : BaseDataService, IProductService
        public ProductDataService(IDataSource dataSource, INullFiltering filtering, IUtility utility) : base(dataSource, filtering, utility) { }

        // using stored command example
        public IEnumerable<Product> Get()
            var products = new List<Product>();

            // using the ProcessReader method to read the return DbDataReader from ExecuteReader.
            // technique commonly used to populate data models from returned data.
            ProcessReader(ExecuteReader(new StoredCommand("GetAllProducts")), (position) =>
                // position parameter: useful for multiple result sets, this value represents which reader is currently being read from in the result set.
                // this information can then be used to populate different models in the lambda helper method.
                products.Add(new Product
                    CategoryId = Get((Product prod) => prod.CategoryId),
                    Description = Get((Product prod) => prod.Description),
                    Id = Get((Product prod) => prod.Id),
                    ListPrice = Get((Product prod) => prod.ListPrice),
                    Name = Get((Product prod) => prod.Name),
                    StandardCost = Get((Product prod) => prod.StandardCost)

            return products;

        // using command text example
        public Product? Get(int productId)
            Product? product = null;

            var commandText = @"select  product_id as Id,
                                        product_name as Name,
                                        description as Description,
                                        standard_cost as StandardCost,
                                        list_price as ListPrice,
                                        category_id as CategoryId
                                from products
                                where product_id = :productId";

            var parameterCollection = new ParameterCollection();
            parameterCollection.Add(new Parameter("productId", productId, DbType.Int32, 0, ParameterDirection.Input));

            // using the ProcessReader method to read the return DbDataReader from ExecuteReader.
            // technique commonly used to populate data models from returned data.
            ProcessReader(ExecuteReader(new DataCommand(commandText, DataCommandType.Query), parameterCollection), (position) =>
                product = new Product
                    CategoryId = Get((Product prod) => prod.CategoryId),
                    Description = Get((Product prod) => prod.Description),
                    Id = Get((Product prod) => prod.Id),
                    ListPrice = Get((Product prod) => prod.ListPrice),
                    Name = Get((Product prod) => prod.Name),
                    StandardCost = Get((Product prod) => prod.StandardCost)

            return product;

        // using stored procedure to insert data.
        public Product Add(Product product)
            var parameterCollection = new ParameterCollection();
            parameterCollection.Add(new Parameter("description", product.Description, DbType.String, 500, ParameterDirection.Input));
            parameterCollection.Add(new Parameter("standard_cost", product.StandardCost, DbType.Decimal, 0, ParameterDirection.Input));
            parameterCollection.Add(new Parameter("product_name", product.Name, DbType.String, 500, ParameterDirection.Input));
            parameterCollection.Add(new Parameter("list_price", product.ListPrice, DbType.Decimal, 0, ParameterDirection.Input));
            parameterCollection.Add(new Parameter("category_id", product.CategoryId, DbType.Int32, 0, ParameterDirection.Input));
            parameterCollection.Add(new Parameter("product_id", product.Id, DbType.Int32, 0, ParameterDirection.Output));

            ExecuteNonQuery(new StoredCommand("InsertProduct"), parameterCollection);

            product.Id = parameterCollection["product_id"].Value.To<int>();

            return product;
Simple Example Using IoC and Oracle as Database.
// AutoFac as IoC container
public class AppModule : Module
    protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
        var configSettings = new Builder().AddOrReplace(new[]
            new KeyValuePair<string,object>("OracleSqlDb", new ConnectionInfo("User Id=SYS;Password=Secretdatabasepassword;Data;DBA Privilege=SYSDBA;","Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleClientFactory")),
            new KeyValuePair<string, object>("SqlDbConnectionName", "OracleSqlDb")

        // Registering config to help with creation of DataConfiguration class.


        //Per Dependency

// Data Service usage could look like the following:
public class ProductController: Controller
    private readonly IProductService productService;

    public ProductController(IProductService productService)
        this.productService = productService;

    // Get
    public IActionResult GetProducts()
        var products = productService.Get();

        return OK(products);

    public IActionResult GetProduct(string id)
        var product = productService.Get(id);

        if(product == null)
            return NotFound();

        return OK(product);

    public IActionResult CreateProduct(CreateProductModel model)
        var product = productService.Add(new Product
            Name = model.Name
            Description = model.Description
            StandardCost = model.StandardCost
            ListPrice = model.ListPrice
            CategoryId = model.CategoryId

        return OK(product);



  • Dependent package updates

  • Minor fixes


  • Dependent package updates

  • Minor fixes


  • Bulk copy refactoring

  • Minor fixes


  • Command factory interface fixes

  • Minor fixes


  • ICommandFactory pattern added

  • Dependent package updates

  • Minor fixes


  • Improvements to reader processing

  • Data Command interface redesign


  • Dependent package updates

  • Minor fixes


  • Code ported to dotnet core

  • Documentation completed