Pipeline Infrastructure

Getting Started

The VersaTul Pipeline Infrastructure project is designed to provide a very useful and neat pattern in the scenario when a set of filtering/processing needs to be performed on an object to transform it into a useful state. The project is the complete implementation of Pipeline pattern in a generic fashion.


To use VersaTul Pipeline Infrastructure, first install it using nuget:

PM> NuGet\Install-Package VersaTul.Pipeline.Infrastructure -Version latest

Main Components

  1. IStep<TIn, TOut> : A step represents the work to be done on a given input with the given return type.

  2. Pipeline<TIn, TOut> : IStep<TIn, TOut> : Represents an accumulative set of steps that can be performed on a given input.

  3. PipelineExtensions : Provides an easy way of extending objects with pipeline steps.

Functional Summary

  1. TOut ISteps<TIn, TOut>.Execute(TIn input); : Steps implementing this method would perform processing on the input type{TIn}.

  2. Func<TIn, TOut> Pipeline<TIn, TOut>.Step : Property on the Pipeline that gets the starting step associated with this pipeline.

  3. TOut PipelineExtensions.AddStep<TIn, TOut>(this TIn input, IStep<T, U> step) : An extension method for Providing an easy way of extending objects with pipeline steps.

Code Examples

Simple Example of Pipeline Step Setup
// Pipeline step to add a number to input.
public class AddOneStep : IStep<int, int>
    public int Execute(int input)
        return input + 1;

// Pipeline step to convert the input.
public class IntToStringStep : IStep<int, string>
    public string Execute(int input)
        return input.ToString();

// Pipeline step that is optional.
public class OptionalStep<TIn, TOut> : IStep<TIn, TOut> where TIn : TOut
    private readonly IStep<TIn, TOut> Step;
    private readonly Func<TIn, bool> choice;

    // passing the optional function during construction for later use.
    public OptionalStep(Func<TIn, bool> choice, IStep<TIn, TOut> Step)
        this.choice = choice;
        this.Step = Step;

    public TOut Execute(TIn input)
        // runing optional check during pipeline processing.
        if (!choice(input))
            return input;

        return Step.Execute(input);
Simple Example of Pipeline Usage
// Using nested pipeline to work with different types.

// Example pipeline with steps setup.
public class CompoundPipeline : Pipeline<int, string>
    public CompoundPipeline()
        Step = input => input
            .AddStep(new AnInitialStep())
            .AddStep(new InnerPipeline()) //InnerPipeline used by CompoundPipeline
            .AddStep(new IntToStringStep())
            .AddStep(new DoSomethingWithAStringStep());

// A Pipeline that's called by another pipeline.
public class InnerPipeline : Pipeline<string, int>
    public InnerPipeline()
        Step = input => input
        .AddStep(new DoSomethingWithAnIntegerStep())
        .AddStep(new SomethingElseWithAnIntegerStep())
        .AddStep(new OptionalStep<int, int>(i => i > 5, new AddOneStep()));
Simple Example of using Pipeline to Format Input
// interface for formatters.
public interface IFormatter : IStep<PropertyData, PropertyData> { }

// Input model
public class PropertyData
    // See the display attribute project for more details.
    public DisplayAttribute Attribute { get; set; }

    public object Value { get; set; }

// Date formatter - use to format an inputted value to a date string value.
public class DateFormatter : IFormatter
    public PropertyData Execute(PropertyData input)
        if (input == null) { return input; }

        if (input.Value == null) { return input; }

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Attribute.DateFormattingString)) { return input; }

        var type = input.Value.GetType();

        if (type != typeof(DateTime)) { return input; }

        input.Value = ((DateTime)input.Value).ToString(input.Attribute.DateFormattingString);

        return input;

// Decimal formatter - use to format an inputted value to a rounded decimal value.
public class DecimalFormatter : IFormatter
    public PropertyData Execute(PropertyData input)
        if (input == null) { return input; }

        if (input.Value == null) { return input; }

        if (input.Attribute.Decimals == int.MinValue || input.Attribute.Decimals == int.MaxValue) { return input; }

        var type = input.Value.GetType();

        if (type != typeof(decimal) && type != typeof(double) && type != typeof(float)) { return input; }

        input.Value = decimal.Round((decimal)input.Value, input.Attribute.Decimals);

        return input;

// Format Pipeline used to perform formatting on inputted values.
public class FormatPipeline : Pipeline<PropertyData, PropertyData>
    public FormatPipeline()
        Step = input => input
            .AddStep(new DateFormatter())
            .AddStep(new DecimalFormatter());

// Usage could look something like the following:
public class DisplayAnalyzer
    // store pipeline instance
    private readonly FormatPipeline formatPipeline;

    public DisplayAnalyzer()
        // setup the pipeline for use
        formatPipeline = new FormatPipeline();

    public object FormatValue(DisplayAttribute displayAttribute, object propertyValue)
        if (displayAttribute == null) { return propertyValue; }

        // using the pipeline to format the given value.
        // value PropertyData will be passed through all steps and properly formatted
        // by valid steps.
        propertyValue = formatPipeline.Execute(new PropertyData
            Attribute = displayAttribute,
            Value = propertyValue

        return propertyValue;



  • Added Async support


  • Minor fixes

  • xml comments code


  • Code ported to dotnet core

  • Documentation completed