
Getting Started

The VersaTul Logger project provides all the common functionality used by all VersaTul loggers. This project provides the interfaces used in order to keep consistency across all the different logger apps, such as FileLogger, MailLogger, and WebLogger.


To use VersaTul Logger, first install it using nuget:

PM> NuGet\Install-Package VersaTul.Logger -Version latest

Main Components

  1. ILogger : Represents the functionality provided by a logger.

  2. ILogParser : Represents the parsing functionality to use for parsing logged data.

  3. LogInfo : Represents information to be sent for logging.

Functional Summary

  1. void ILogger.Log( : Overloaded method for logging the given Exception or information to the registered loggers.

  2. string ILogParser.Parse() : Overloaded method for parsing the given exception and all inner exception into Key/value string format.

Code Examples

Implementing a Logger Example
// Create a project specific interface
public interface IDatabaseLogger : ILogger
    // project specific methods can be added here...

// Implementing interface
public class DatabaseLogger: IDatabaseLogger
    private readonly ILogParser logParser;

    public DatabaseLogger(ILogParser logParser)
       this.logParser = logParser;

    // interface methods...
    public void Log(LogInfo logInfo) => LogAsync(logInfo)

    public void Log(Exception exception) => LogAsync(exception)

    public void Log(LogInfo logInfo, Exception exception) => LogAsync(logInfo, exception)

    public async Task LogAsync(Exception exception) => await LogAsync(new LogInfo(LogLevel.Error, string.Empty, exception.Message), exception);

    public async Task LogAsync(LogInfo logInfo) => await LogAsync(logInfo, null);

    public async Task LogAsync(LogInfo logInfo, Exception exception)
        var message = logParser.Parse(logInfo, exception, ParseFormat.Tab);

        // send message to database here...

// Configure the container using AutoFac Module
public class AppModule : Module
    protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
       // Registering logger to container

// Usage catching and logging exceptions...
public abstract class BaseController : Controller
    private readonly ILogger logger;

    protected BaseController(ILogger logger)
        this.logger = logger;

    protected IActionResult FaultHandler(Func<IActionResult> codeToExecute)
            return codeToExecute();
        catch (Exception ex)

            return BadRequest();



  • Code Port All Other Loggers [File, Web, Mail]

  • Code ported to dotnet core

  • Documentation completed