Handler File

Getting Started

The VersaTul Handler File project provides the functionality needed to work with files on hard-disks. Most notable functionalities are the creating, reading, and deleting of custom file types found in the project. This project, however is simply a wrapper project around the System.IO.File namespace and was design to make working with the VersaTul custom FileInfo class much easier.


To use VersaTul Handler File, first install it using nuget:

PM> NuGet\Install-Package VersaTul.Handler.File -Version latest

Main Components

  1. IDirectoryWrapper : Interface used to expose System.IO.File methods pertaining to Directory manipulation.

  2. IFileHandler : Interface used for providing the general File manipulation functionalities.

  3. IFileWrapper : Interface used to expose System.IO.File methods pertaining to File manipulation.

  4. IFileUtility : Interface used to provide File and Directory read and Write functionalities. Iherits the IFileHandler interface.

  5. FileHandler : An abstract class that implements the IFileHandler Interface.

  6. FileUtility : The concrete implementation of the IFileUtility Interface.

  7. DirectoryWrapper : The concrete implementation of IDirectoryWrapper and IFileWrapper Interfaces.

  8. BaseInfo : An abstract base class that represent the basic information provided by a FileInfo class.

  9. FileInfo : A custom VersaTul class used to represent a file details and its contents.

  10. CsvFileInfo : Class that represent a csv file details and its contents.

  11. TextFileInfo : Class that represent a text file details and its contents.

  12. ZipFileInfo : Class that represent a zip file details and its contents as a stream.

  13. StreamFileInfo : Class that represent a file details and its contents as a stream.

  14. CustomFileInfo : Class used to represent a custom file (maybe a project specific file with its own extension) details and its contents.

Functional Summary

  1. DirectoryInfo IDirectoryWrapper.CreateDirectory(string path) : Creates all directories and subdirectories in the specified path unless they already exist.

  2. bool IDirectoryWrapper.Exists(string path) : Determines whether the given path refers to an existing directory on disk.

  3. string[] IDirectoryWrapper.GetFiles(string path, string searchPattern) : Returns the names of files (including their paths) that match the specified search pattern in the specified directory.

  4. void IFileWrapper.AppendAllLines(string path, IEnumerable<string> contents) : Appends lines to a file, and then closes the file. If the specified file does not exist, this method creates a file, writes the specified lines to the file, and then closes the file.

  5. void IFileWrapper.Delete(string path) : Deletes the specified file.

  6. bool IFileWrapper.Exists(string path) : Determines whether the specified file exists.

  7. string[] IFileWrapper.ReadAllLines(string path) : Opens a text file, reads all lines of the file into a string array, and then closes the file.

  8. void IFileWrapper.WriteAllLines(string path, IEnumerable<string> contents) : Creates a new file, write the specified string array to the file, and then closes the file.

  9. void IFileWrapper.Write(string filePath, MemoryStream content) : Writes the given memory stream to physical file on disk at the specified path.

  10. FileResult IFileUtility.ReadAllLines(string path) : Opens a text file, reads all lines of the file, and then closes the file.

  11. void IFileUtility.SaveOrUpdate(FileInfo file) : Appends lines to a file, and then closes the file. If the specified file does not exist, this method creates a file, writes the specified lines to the file, and then closes the file.

  12. void IFileUtility.Save(StreamFileInfo file) : Writes the given stream to a file. If the specified file does not exist, this method creates the file, writes the specified stream to the file, and then closes the file.

  13. string IFileHandler.GetFileName(string path) : Returns the Filename only from a given file path.

  14. string IFileHandler.GetFileNameWithOutExtension(string path) : Returns the Filename only from a given file path with the file extension removed.

  15. void IFileHandler.RemoveFile(string sourceFile) : Deletes the given file from the hard disc.

  16. string IFileHandler.GetExtension(string fileName) : Returns the extension of the given file without the (dot) notation.

  17. bool IFileHandler.CheckFileExtensionMatch(string fileName, string extension) : Checks if the given filename and file extension are the same.

  18. IEnumerable<string> IFileHandler.FindFilesWithExtension(string path, string extension) : Returns the names of files (including their paths) that match the specified extension in the specified directory.

  19. void IFileHandler.CreateDirectoryIfNotExists(string path) : Determines whether the given path refers to an existing directory on disk and if not creates all the directories in a specified path.

  20. IEnumerable<string> IFileHandler.FindFiles() : Overloaded method that returns the names of files (including their paths) that match the specified search pattern in the specified directory or subdirectories.

  21. string IFileHandler.EnsureExtension(string fileName, string extension) : Checks the give fileName contains the given extension, if not then the fileName is updated to match.

  22. void IFileHandler.ReadLine(string path, Action<string> action) : Opens the given file and reads the content line by line as string passed into the given action.

Code Examples

File Utility Save Or Update Example
using VersaTul.Handler.File.Contracts;
using VersaTul.Handler.File.Types;
using VersaTul.Utilities.Contracts;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Create instances
        var directoryWrapper = new DirectoryWrapper();
        var fileUtility = new FileUtility(directoryWrapper, directoryWrapper);

        // Text File Info to save
        var textFileData = "Large amount of text to save to file";
        var fileData = new TextFileInfo("c:\some\path\on\disk","data", textFileData);

        //Save or Update
File Utility Read data Example
using VersaTul.Handler.File.Contracts;
using VersaTul.Handler.File.Types;
using VersaTul.Utilities.Contracts;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Create instances
        var directoryWrapper = new DirectoryWrapper();
        var fileUtility = new FileUtility(directoryWrapper, directoryWrapper);

        // file to read
        var fullFilePath = "c:\some\path\filename.txt";

        // Open and read data from file.
        FileResult data = fileUtility.ReadAllLines(fullFilePath);

        if (data.IsExists)
            Print("Here is your file data");
            data.Content.ToList().ForEach(val => Print(val));
            Print($"No file @:'{fullFilePath}'");
File Utility Remove Example
using VersaTul.Handler.File.Contracts;
using VersaTul.Handler.File.Types;
using VersaTul.Utilities.Contracts;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Create instances
        var directoryWrapper = new DirectoryWrapper();
        var fileUtility = new FileUtility(directoryWrapper, directoryWrapper);

        // file to read
        var fullFilePath = "c:\some\path\filename.txt";

        // delete file
File Utility Save Or Update IoC Example
using VersaTul.Handler.File.Contracts;
using VersaTul.Handler.File.Types;
using VersaTul.Utilities.Contracts;

public class AppModule : Module
    // Setup AutoFac container
    protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)


public class FileManager
    // injecting container for simplicity
    public void Execute(AppContainer appContainer)
        fileUtility = appContainer.Resolve<FileUtility>();

        // Text File Info to save
        var textFileData = "Large amount of text to save to file";
        var fileData = new TextFileInfo("c:\some\path\on\disk","data", textFileData);

        //Save or Update



  • File manipulation improvements

  • Streamline interfaces

  • Minor fixes

  • Dependent package updates


  • Minor fixes


  • Interface refactoring

  • Added more custom user file types

  • Minor fixes

  • Dependent package updates


  • Minor fixes

  • Dependent package updates


  • Code ported to dotnet core

  • Documentation completed